What to do after a guy loses interest?


May 11, 2008
This guy I met said he liked me in febuary and I said I kind of liked him back. From there nothing really happend. He's kind of shy when it comes to girls (first relationship), he respects them, and wouldn't do anything to be mean to anyone. Before we would text each other like everyday. Usually he started the convos but now we go weeks without texting and if we do have a convo it's usually me. I feel like a loser. Blah blah. I noticed he doesn't walk with me to my locker anymore and he doesn't really laugh at the things I say anymore. Today in science he still talks to me since we sit next to each other plus and occasionally touches me. But his friend that is a girl that he's known longer was in my science class today hanging out and they kind of talked more. Usually after class he would come talk to me or walk by me but he spent his time with the other girl. He didn't even wave bye. Ugh I feel like sh$t. She's skinnier, taller, and popular. But her eyes are squinty (haha). Ugh I feel so ugly. What do I do