What to do about a basement bedroom that is very hot even with the vent closed?


New member
Dec 13, 2010
- room directly across from the furnace closet.
- the thermostat is in the main part of the house - the house has been turned into three different units
- have talked to the landlord about having the tenants upstairs to keep the heat at a comfortable level but that has not worked.
- I have eczema and asthma - often wake up drenched in sweat
- have rotating fan on the highest level it can go
room directly across from the furnace closet.
- the thermostat is in the main part of the house - the house has been turned into three different units
- have talked to the landlord about having the tenants upstairs to keep the heat at a comfortable level but that has not worked.
- I have eczema and asthma - often wake up drenched in sweat
- have rotating fan on the highest level it can go
- can't turn on a/c because the furnace is turned on. both can't run at the same time