What time is every1 going in College 2mo 2 get their result?

lol ty..its just wierd that my sixth form is the only one in the world that open their doors for results tomz at 1:30
Which one would you choose though?
I am hoping majority of 'result day'-thread makers will be making option 4-7. :mute:

Wait, that would only result in more result day threads :argh:
oohhhh i sooo wanna slap you for that :p especially since i have to wait tehehe :(:eek3: :yep:
Probably 2.

If the average ihav logged on to UCAS :pcguru: and discovered they had a B in one of their modules, it would be :lolwut: then they would :cry:. They would hide from their parents :hide: and they would form an angry protest outside the HQ of the exam board :mob:. Having failed to get into Oxbridge, they will proceed to jump under this :train: .
People I know at 6th form get theirs at 10:30 and someone else I know at another college also gets theirs at 10:30.
People at my college have no bloody idea what time we get ours :/
So unless someone I know from college gives me a better time I'll probably go there around 10:30. It better be the right time because I have to get a bus and a train there. Gah.
it depends. if track says unconditional, ill be in at 10am on the dot. if not, probably a couple of hours after so i dont have to face everyone :(
Haha, you're getting reppage tomorrow, you evil human being.

I'm going to sit on ihav with my cup of :tea: and wait for the Oxbridge-:smartass: to log on. I'm just going to sit here and just :bebored:. If no new results day-thread has been made by 10am, I'll be :hmmmm2: and then I'll realise that they actually did :banghead: themselves for failing their exams. The suicide-threads will increase immensely, and I'll just go :mfing: in your face, moddafakkers.
either 10am or 11am. . not sure :( i know i can get them online at 7am though.