What time is every1 going in College 2mo 2 get their result?

I got sent a mamgazine from UCAS yesterday, it says Track isn't available at midnight, contrary to popular belief. It should be updated around mid-morning. Just wanted to save you staying up all night... :)
This but the worst one I saw was "What are YOU wearing on results day?"

The next thread will be "What will you drink on the morning of results day: A cup of tea or a glass of Orange juice? (Poll Included)"
i'm only as anyway :) but the actual exam results go live on the college site at 00:01. which means next year i'll find out before track updates.
9:15 it says we can get them, on your intranet. I plan to get there around 9ish may be..
What facial expression will you make when logging onto UCAS to find your results tomorrow?

1. :nutcase:
2. :dance:
3. :bban:
4. :grumble:
5. :argh:
6. :afraid:
7. :mad2:
ucas say you can't get them every year, but every year you get them at like 4am. it's to stop you crashing their site.