What The...

go go gadget party pooper mode!

price and worth are not the same thing

now why priceless and free are not the same thing? now that IS a what the?
What the...

What the heck is up with Free Speech?

Why does everyone get jumpy when you yell "Mortal Combat!!!" in an Airport?

Because you are getting too serious

You are not putting enough "What The..."

Wyou are putting forth the "Won't The..."
What The...

"Evaporated Milk"

If it really was evaporated, wouldn't it be gone and no longer there?
Oh, oh, me, me, me... I know this one...

According to the Book of QI, peanuts aren't nuts, they are peas and might be processed in a factory that also handles nuts.

Ok, when you lose something why do people say "it's always in the last place you look". What theeeeee??? Of course it is. After I find something I'm not going to continue looking for it...