What the best motivational books? Especially for job hunting etc?


New member
Jun 17, 2010
I kinda feeling so demotivated to look for a proper job suit my qualification. I do search, I did get called for promising jobs. But, I just don't go for many2 silly reasons, that I think I made up on my mind to support my resistance to go work. Right now I am staying home with my parents, helping them out with their small business.

I need to feel fire up again to seek job cause its almost a year now.
Since you can afford motivational books and you don't see any need to go to job interviews, don't worry about it. When the money runs out, the rent is due, and you're hungry, that will motivate you.

(Personally, if I were your parents, I'd give you a three month notice to move out--one month to find a job and two months to save the money to get out. I don't know why parents enable kids like you. You're not helping them, they're coddling you.)