What technique has the highest success rate for quitting smoking?


Active member
May 14, 2008
I am quitting smoking. I've gone 1 week without a cigarette, but i'm starting to struggle. I decided to try going cold turkey but am wondering if i should try an aid.
it takes most smokers ten tries to quit

all of my family/friends just did cold turkey
I've never smoked so I don't know how u feel but I've seen family members struggle with quitting as well.

My dad quit about 2 years ago. He went cold Turkey..about a couple of weeks later he was going insane. So he got some small carrots and would chew on that..and take long deep breaths like he was smoking.they have to be dramatic deep breaths to kind of trick your brain. He also chewed gum a lot..

My cousin tried the patch and never succeeded. She's been trying to over 6years now.

Sadly, my dad picked up the habit again after losing his job..but last month he tried quitting again. This time he bought the electric cigarettes you smoke. I guess it still has tabacco in it but not nicotine. He said it gives him headaches. My brother tried supporting my dad by quitting too but with the electronic cigarette he said it made him want to smoke even more.

I think If u have the will power and really want to quit u can so it. All these so called devices to help you quit is just a waste of money. Think of it this way, a drug addict doesn't slowly stop they completely stop cold Turkey same with an alcoholic .. drugs, alcohol and cigarettes are all addictive ..u have to stop cold Turkey. Surround yourself by positive people and if other smoke let them know you quit and ask foe their support by not smoking in front of you or offering you a smoke. Or simply walk away.

I wish u the best! Just remember ..YOU CAN DO IT!