What store sells cheap skinny jeans?

If you're short you can go to wetseal.com
I think Forever 21 may have some cheap ones about that price too.
Most children love bunk beds, and the problem is generally not whether they like them or not, but the fight over who gets the top bunk.
There is a wide choice of beds for children, and whether you decide to choose bunk beds for kids or regular beds, make sure that your children like them.

If you don't like the idea of bunk beds for children, or you have a bedroom for each child, then you have a wide choice of kid's beds in single, twin or double sizes. One example is the Molly Dual twin bed by Hillsdale Furniture, which an old-style bed at 39.5 inches wide, while the full bed size is 15 inches wider.
Finally, you might even decide that a sofa bed is the most appropriate form of children's bed, and the sofa is pulled out at night.

Children's bedroom furniture changes as they age and you must prepare and budget for it.
Every word of that is completely true as stated, without the slightest embellishment.

ACTION - Start your (next) booklet today, using the basics of what makes sense to you, while considering guidance that's worked for others. Keep in mind that your journey will be unique to you and that your ideas have merit. You will find what's right for you.
Maybe the twins no longer want to share a double bed, and the time comes when brother and sister not only need new bedroom furniture, but also need separate rooms!
