What smartphone should I buy and from where?


New member
May 3, 2013
Ok, I'm 16, I want a smart phone (I'm sick of the cheap ones) and I have no idea what to get or what I even want. ALL ADVICE APPRECIATED!
Okay, I was obviously not very specific. MY BAD.
Uh, I'm kind of low on the mo' ($400 max :/ )
Just something enjoyable, preferably touch screen (I hate those tiny keyboards and buttons)
What are you looking for? What's your budget? The Nexus 4 is only $300 off contract and generally praised. Since it's off contract, you'd probably have a less expensive plan and so on, but I don't know what you're looking for.
Windows 8 or gs3 not gs4 because it will have to many bugs in beta version till 1 year and will really piss you off