what should i do? tell someone? talk to him? why did he have to molest me?


May 19, 2008
i was molested many years ago by my uncle, he always made me play this game where he would hide a hacky sack around the room, well after that he started to hide it on him self and make me get it, after awhile of playing this he took his shorts off and made me give him a ******** and hand job after he would ejaculate into my mouth a couple times he would have me stop and would touch me and rub me. after a few years of this he just stopped, but now im to scared to let anyone near me i hold everyone at a distance...im not sure what to do now. i feel like im being to immature about what happen and over reacting to what happen, but its like every time some one touches me i freeze up and feel like i need to scream and cry. also i want to text him and ask him why he did what he did but im so scared to do it. Do you guys think im over reacting? should i ask? will i ever get over my fear? and is there something wrong with me???