What should i do in college for interest in real estate?


May 17, 2008
I am entering the 11th grade when the next school year begins. My interest for my future career lies in the field of the real estate business; my ultimate goal is to be a large scale real estate developer and investor (Donald Trump is my idol). I do not know how, but real estate has been such a big interest of mine since there is so much potential with it.

Now to the questions:
What can I do during high school to prepare for my future?
What should I major in in college/what are good colleges for this field?

Please add anything else (tips, advice, etc.) you think would be helpful to me as well! Thank you so much!
I have similar goals haha. Well I'm kinda doing it my way, I'm majoring in political science, just because it interests me. Then I want to eventually go to law school.

Let's look at the Donald himself for some advice. He majored in Economics. That's really the first thing that came to mind when I think real estate. Business Administration/Management would also be a good choice. IN all honesty, you can do whatever you want. You don't even need to go to college to get into real estate. Like ^ said, you just need lots of money to buy property. If you're really interested in real estate, after college take some Real Estate agent classes and sit for the exam. Then you'll kinda get your feet in the door and see what its like making deals. You also have the potential to make lots of money being a realtor if you're good and you deal with expensive enough properties. There's also masters degrees in Real Estate.

Just make sure you remember-Donald Trump didn't come from nothing. His dad was a successful developer too!