What should I do about this relationship situation?


New member
Apr 23, 2012
Hello, I've been dating this girl for 2 months and its been good. She tells me how happy i make how much she cares about me, how much she likes me etc. Last weekend she had to go to a DUI weekend camp for her DUI. At this camp she met a smoking buddy and they must have exchanged numbers because I saw texts. They had a brief convo through texts and I saw his last text to her was "hit me up some time." My question is this, I do trust her, but should this mystery guy she met and the fact they exchanged numbers, throw up a red flag? any advice appreciated.
Question her about it, if it's a good relationship you should be able to talk and hopefully resolve this issue. By the way she didn't text him back so it might just be him.

P.S: Is it really a good relationship if you look through her texts?
Let it lie just now, don't be the jealousy guy, girls hate that. Meet him if your that bothered!