What should I do about my pinky finger?


New member
Nov 16, 2008
I hurt my pinky finger 3 days ago and I'm not sure if there's a point in going to the doctor or if it's too late to do anything if it's serious. I hurt it playing team handball while I was throwing a ball I felt my pinky kind of tear, it felt really weird. There was no contact or anything by another player, I just threw the ball and it got injured. It swelled up fairly quickly with not that much pain and I iced it after I was done playing. The next day it was very painful and started bruising. My parents dont want to take me to the doctor because they see no point in it since they think all they'll do is wrap it or splint it and we can do that ourselves. I'm a little concerned that it may be more serious then a sprain. The pain has lessened quite a bit since then, but the swelling didn't go down until today and I was icing it a lot since I injured it. I hurt the joint closest to the tip of my pinky, and it's got either a bump or just swelling around it and is pink. The palm side has some purple bruising all the way down and is darker where the creases of the joints are. On the other side there's some bruising but it's just surrounding that joint. Under my nail I can see some bruising too. I can somewhat bend it, but I can't completely straighten the tip of the finger. I taped my pinky to my other finger the first two days for school, but I got a splint from a drug store that slips on that I've been wearing since yesterday and wore today when needed. It doesn't straighten the finger out or increase or decrease pain. Should I continue wearing my own splint and tape it when necessary? Is it too late to see a doctor? Does it sound like more then a sprain? Is there any point in seeing a doctor? Anything will help, thanks in advance.