What should happen next in my story?


New member
Jun 19, 2013
My main character was hit trying to cross the street and has severe injuries. She finds out that her older sister was driving the car that hit her, her older sister was texting and driving. After her older sister hit her, a truck collided into the older sisters car and killed her. The teen main character is devastated and depressed. She will have casts on and won't b able to walk or move around a lot for 4 weeks. Her parents blame her sisters death on her. The thing is idk what will happen during the next four weeks, I've tried to brainstorm but nothing works. I'm having a bit of writers block lol. I would appreciate it if you could help me brainstorm some ideas lol btw the main character is a 14 going to be 15 year old girl

Some notes:
- after this 4 week period she begins to become extremely depressed and continues to have nightmares about the whole accident
-she starts to self harm
-she starts to go down the wrong path, she starts stealing cigarettes from her dead sisters drawer and is offered drugs from her friend at a party and starts to take them
-she distances herself
-she commits suicide

I can't say what happens after this because it would firstly be too long and I don't want to give too much away. Btw she can't start a love interest because that occors with someone else later in the book. I only need ideas for the 4 weeks. This may seem like your run of the mill teen angst drama but its going to be much more than that, email me if you want to hear the rest :) i really appreciate the help!
she tries jumping off a bridge and a guy saves her! he can also use gear second
Maybe have a scene where she's in rehab and her pain meds make her think that the Easter bunny hired a Roman legion to kill her. Then have her attack the Romans in self defense. When she comes to her senses she could find out she killed a hospital orderly, then be put on trial for murder. While awaiting trial she should become a vegan and write a best selling children's book. Finally, she should have a flamethrower smuggled into courtroom and proceed to barbecue the prosecution when they put her on the stand. After killing the d. a., judge, and half the jury a police officer will appear and open fire hitting her weapon's fuel tank. This will end her journey as she goes out laughing in a blaze of glory.