What right do Latin American's have to complain about the Az. immigratrion law?


New member
Nov 16, 2010
Per USA TODAY, Latin American leaders are in a flummox over the Az. immigration law. Why can't they get their own houses in order so their people will not flee illegally to the US. We don't want them. What about illegally entering this country don't they get?
They have no right. Nationalism will soon rear it's head in America and it won't be pretty.

My Dr. Martins are ready!
They have no right and wouldn't they have a fit if we tried the same stunt with their courts. Those clowns on the 9th court need to be removed from office and replaced with people who actually have brains.
They have no say in our laws.
They will protest to please their liberal friends in the states.
None whatsoever, Latin America is a Fcuking basket case and always has been with or without "Yankee imperialists"
They have the ability to complain however they have no ground to stand on morally...look at their own immigration policies.
they have no right but the obama administration favors them.
they want illegal immigrants to send money back to their countries.
latin america is beautiful but the people out there are mostly corrupted and always looking for quick and easy money. that's the third world for you.