what religion is right? I am so confused? Hurting my relationship.?


New member
Mar 21, 2011
Ok So I was raised by a Methodist and Catholic. I attended Methodist, Catholic, Nazarene, Pentecostal, seventh day Adventist, and Baptist church as a child and young adult. In college I took several ancient history classes and also studied one semester of Islam.

I used to consider myself a Christian. I actually believed that Christianity was right and all other religions are wrong. As I aged I realized that this can't be. I looked at the past civilizations and the documented facts of different Virgin births and also how the bible has been changed over the years (Hence the King James Version). I also looked slightly into Judaism.

Now I would say that I believe that there is ONE almighty God because there is no way that we are just random particles that came together. But I also believe in all religions. Mainly because they all share the same basic principles. I want to think that as long as we are good in mind, body, and soul and we help others and we do believe in god and pray to him and worship him that we will all go to Heaven no matter what your religion is.

My girlfriend of 8 months who I love with all of my heart is disappointed with me. She is christian and believes that Christianity is the right religion. She also believes that the other religions will go to Heaven if they stay true to their beliefs. BUT SHE KNOWS THAT JESUS IS THE SON OF GOD. in which I think that the story has to be true but also then there's the muslim and jews version of Jesus. They think that he is a prophet.

She thinks that I look at all of it as just a simple story. I honestly want to believe that all religions are right and that there is only one god. But I guess now I don't consider myself christian. She says that I am Agnostic but I DO BELIEVE IN GOD! I PRAY! I do not want to lose her over this... What do I do? I am so confused about religion. I once asked a Priest about religion and what I should do. He actually told me that no matter what religion I chose as long as I believed in god and did my absolute best to follow its teachings that I would be ok in the eyes of god.
What do I do? Can me and her make this work? What religion is right? Am I wrong for wanting to believe that they are all right? I honestly just want peace and happiness in the world. I wish that there was only one Religion and that everyone believed in it so that this type of situation would never occur.

Someone please help me... I just want to be pointed in the right direction. I need help. Hopefully it is not too late. Losing her would one of the most horrible things that could ever happen to me. We are great together with the exception of this subject. She is currently on a walk trying to clear her head. I am trying to clear mine. I need to know what are my options? Do I need to speak with a priest? A Rabi? A Preacher? WHY is this happening!?

I can't live without her though. She truly is my other half. I never knew what life was until I met her. I can't lose her. Please someone help me understand!
In the Kalama Sutra, Buddha says.
Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it..
Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many.
Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books.
Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders.
Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations.

But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it.