What religion do gay churches teach?


New member
Apr 4, 2009
We read from a pink Bible and discuss how fashion trends have changed in 2000 years.

Silly person.
What religion and doctrine do gay churches follow and teach? If its Christian do they just pretend the pages are stuck together and skip Ephesians 5:31-33 when they come to it? Just something I've always wondered. Thanks

Ephesians 5:31-33
-31. As the Scriptures say, "A man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two are united into one."
-32. This is a great mystery, but it is an illustration of the way Christ and the church are one.
-33. So again I say, each man must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.
No more than some churches pretend Paul never said women shouldn't teach or preach, but should keep silent and say nothing, or to drink a little wine for thy stomach's sake.
Evangelicals aren't the only ones who pick and choose which parts of the Bible are considered "the inspired word of God," and which aren't.
why it is very similar to christian teaching, where they also pick and choose what they wish to teach from the bible.

*rolls eyes*
There's plenty of ways to 'discount' the doctrines found in the Bible.

1. Time and space - that was then, - this is now. Or only to the Ephesians.
2. dictionary. - the words don't mean the words they say.
3. man-made goal. - the goal of the Bible is not 'truth', but to make people happy. We cut out any stuff that may get a near-believer 'upset'.

The bible says they serve their bellies (emotions) rather than serving the one true God.
It depends on the church, but I'm guessing most "gay" churches teach christianity. And as far as scripture goes, I'm guessing they don't interpret the entire bible literally.
Most are nondenominational and christian, There are in some places where they also have services for people of Catholics and Jewish followings. I won't get into the verse by verse debate over the words of the bible I'll just say I know God loves me, He didn't make a mistake when I was born and btw I'm an ordained minister myself. Happy Easter
Most are nondenominational and christian, There are in some places where they also have services for people of Catholics and Jewish followings. I won't get into the verse by verse debate over the words of the bible I'll just say I know God loves me, He didn't make a mistake when I was born and btw I'm an ordained minister myself. Happy Easter
Honey, it's apparent you've taken the wrong path...no doubt you've probably been 'pushed' a little too by overwrought zealots... You're heading down the 'fundamentalists' path...and not listening to Jesus, the Christ's warnings..."you know the letter of the law, but you've missed the Spirit of the law"... Please, head back...get your bearings straightened out (no pun intended)...do a LOT more study in Sacred Scriptures, Theology, Philosophy, Psychology, Logic, Ethics, History, 'dead' Languages, etc..and then realize that Jesus, the Christ, asked two gays to be apostles (Paul and John), that there were NO words for 'homosexual' at that time (so how could 'homosexuality' be condemned...and the only two words that came even close meant someone who would have sex with anything...or...someone who 'sold' their sexuality)... Honey, put away your 'HATE' and find the 'love' God intended... Religion(s) NOT God...religion is only a tool to help us find God...have 'faith' in God, NOT your hateful, hurtful 'religion'...
Honey, it's apparent you've taken the wrong path...no doubt you've probably been 'pushed' a little too by overwrought zealots... You're heading down the 'fundamentalists' path...and not listening to Jesus, the Christ's warnings..."you know the letter of the law, but you've missed the Spirit of the law"... Please, head back...get your bearings straightened out (no pun intended)...do a LOT more study in Sacred Scriptures, Theology, Philosophy, Psychology, Logic, Ethics, History, 'dead' Languages, etc..and then realize that Jesus, the Christ, asked two gays to be apostles (Paul and John), that there were NO words for 'homosexual' at that time (so how could 'homosexuality' be condemned...and the only two words that came even close meant someone who would have sex with anything...or...someone who 'sold' their sexuality)... Honey, put away your 'HATE' and find the 'love' God intended... Religion(s) NOT God...religion is only a tool to help us find God...have 'faith' in God, NOT your hateful, hurtful 'religion'...
WOW, SO your saying that Jesus went to HELL! You Blasphemer! As he did NOT leave his Mother & Fathers house to be joined with a Wife!

May the Gates of HELL warm embrace, comfort you!
There is no such thing as a gay church. I am straight and even I know that.