What Phone has the best resolution Samsung Galaxy S2 or Motorola Droid...


New member
Oct 15, 2008
...RAZR orApple iPhone 4S? Which phone has the better resolution in order? is it the bigger resolution the better?
Well. I think they have very similar resolutions. But since the 2 android phones have bigger screens, the pixels are stretched a bit. It's not a big deal though cause you really have to strain your eyes to even see the pixels. And the s2 has a wayyyy brighter more colorful screen. the iphone screen is way too tiny in my opinion. Especially considering that it only takes up like half the surface area. And iphone is not that good overall. Get android ^.^
The iphone has 326 pixels per inch. The RAZR has 256 pixels per inch. The Galaxy S II has 217 pixels per inch. ALL of these screens are VERY clear, but its noticeable that the iphone is clearer. The Galaxy S II has one of the best screens in the world because its SUPER AMOLED PLUS. which means it has VERY deep blacks and VERY bright colors. The Droid RAZR has a SUPER AMOLED and a little clearer than the Galaxy S II but i dont think its very noticeable.

I would MUCH rather prefer the Galaxy S II because it has the most energy efficient screen and has the best color accuracy that look VERY brilliant. and VERY clear

I would not get the Droid RAZR because i own the droid x2 and it turns itself off randomly every day. YES every single day. My mom has the droid x2 and she has the same problem and my girlfriend has the droid 3 and she has the same problem. ALL motorola phones have a problem with random turn offs.

The iphone has the clearest screen but the colors arent as good and and its WAY TO SMALL. its only 3.5 inches with the RAZR and the S II have 4.3 inch screens.