What our some great christian savier prayers to say to get saved?


New member
Aug 9, 2008
To get saved and to say at bed time to have sweet dreams and not to worry anymore iam sick of worrying i just want to be happy again iam depressed i have faith in god i say my prayers every night i want to feel god in my heart i want to know hes with me in everything i do and to keep evil and satin away.
Prayers don't save you... however you wanting God in your life based on the condition of your Heart being Born again -- Is what saves you !!! Blessings --
I dont think you need a prayer to get saved. I can almost promise that you will have this gut feeling and know when its right. God just works that way. And I find that when I say a rehearsed prayer, it doesnt mean much. Say whats on your heart, and have a conversation with God