what nationality are you.

European American, don't call me white or Caucasian :dodgy:
(yes :dodgy: I feel it's justified)
Hungarian and German. My Dad is 100% Hungarian and a first generation American. My mom's side has been in the states for a while but is mostly German.
i am a respectable, legal resident of the united states with a korean nationality. i am 16 years old and have been living in north carolina for almost 10 years now. i have assimilated and became "too american" as my father puts it. he doesn't love me. :( i bring shame and dishonor to the family name.
If we wanna get technical, I'm Irish, Italian, Austrian, native american, and a bit of easter european (not sure really). Anyone that gives percents is a fucking moron. You con not know what percent of what nationality you are. Fucking stupid.