What mobile phone do you have.I got a new Sony Ericsson W580i last week?



To replace my Samsung E250 which was not as good.The Sony is a brill phone though
Well done on getting a Sony Ericsson. I think they're the best. I have a K800i, but I'll be upgrading soon.
I've got a Nokia N95 and a crappy Motorola as a spare and another Nokia - dont know what the model is though...NOKIA are the best I think.
the samsung u600 great phone, ideal for me and my work, i think i will get the F700 next upgrade, i have had Nokia's for over 12years and must say the samsung have come up with a good model.
I have a Nokia 7373 and i cant WAIT for an upgrade!!
I've got a nokia e65. i need a new one my daughter has had mine and some of the buttons dont work now x

The phone you have is the 1 that i want in pink haha
Still hanging in there with my trusty Sansung T100. Yes it's old with no camera but I have more free ring tones than you can shake a stick at.
I don't even use my phone. It is mobile I think. no, it might be motorola. can you tell how much i use it? haha