what martial art is the best?


New member
Jan 27, 2011
im 13 and i want to learn some martial arts what should I do; karate, ju justu, muy thai kick boxing, or just normal boxing?
Consider judo. It is a sport and an art. It's good all around for standing and ground competition.
There is no best martial art.
Pick the one that's best for you.

But personal opinion, if it's for self defense, don't pick Jiujitsu. Ground fighting only works when there's one opponent, and in street defense situations often times there will be more than one.
I wrote this rant as a Canned answer to this question, it should be of help to you:

When you decide to begin training in martial art you have some questions you have to answer for yourself. Are you looking for a sport to play, an art to dedicate a lifetime to, or a quick fix method of self defence? Some combination of that perhaps? Most of us are, or were all three at times. Where do your priorities lie? You have named one martial art in your question, and one fighting sport. The two are worlds apart, although they overlap in several areas, their mindset, and intent are opposite. You have to know also what is available to you. If you have Uechi-Ryu, and Bak Mei in your area, wanting to do TKD would not help you. Of the available options you must decide which one(s) interest you. Then you have to decide (take your time, it's important) which available instruction is the one for you. You can change or quit if you don't like it, but better to stay with the program right through (providing the program is a good one) for the best training. Style-hopping has in my experience cost many a martial artist their potential, so choose wisely, nobody here can tell you what to do for you. So do your homework well. Talk to instructors and students, watch classes, take 'free introductory' classes, make your decision. One more thing, good luck
Well karate takes a while untill it pays off so no imediate results not sure about muy tai or kickboxing boxing pays off pretty quick but its hard work though if you wanna be good getting into a fight with a huge guy might be a problem and bjj is great my favorite at least
For the 500th time this week, theres no best martial art overall, if there was, we would all be doing the same art.

However, if you narrow your options there would be a precise answer, depends if you want to do grappling or striking. It depends if you want to do a sport or self defence, or just a hobby.

You can go to my page and send me an email telling me what you want with more detail.
Well karate takes a while untill it pays off so no imediate results not sure about muy tai or kickboxing boxing pays off pretty quick but its hard work though if you wanna be good getting into a fight with a huge guy might be a problem and bjj is great my favorite at least
The best martial art is the one YOU can use.

If you wanna take up a martial art, i suggest taking the cheapest and closest one near you.
If you liked it, then its for you, if not, then try another gym.

Muay Thai is good. Nice and physical, gets you in good shape and good for sport training.