What language do trees speak?


Active member
May 12, 2008
My sophomore biology teacher says tree's are alive which i think is wrong to begin with, so if they are alive do they speak English?
Well, trees speak a language called treesian. It is a mix between English and Greek, because why not. They don't talk when people are around because they don't want us knowing their secret. They laugh at us all the time. They think we are weird looking. OH! AND GUESS WHAT! They can move too! They walk around during the night when every one is asleep and laugh at us through our windows. They can see what you do at night, you naughty child. And how do i know this you ask? because i am Santa Claus. I KNOW ALL! The trees are watching you (O.O). Close your windows boys and girls, now that you know their secret they might steal your Cheetos during the night (O.O) They really like Cheetos. They feed it to the squirrels. (._. )
Have you ever heard a tree talk?

Trees are alive. Just not in the sense you think of.

They have cells, and those cells do work. Something does not have to move or utter sounds to be living.