What is your view on Budda and meditation?

Buddha sure looks like a jolly fat man.But he's always depicted sitting down.Didn't he ever get up and do something? How about creating salvation for people?

John 14:6

6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me

Meditating on Bible verses is an excellent idea.I purchased some verse cards that I read one at time three times a day for a full week :more crackers:.Makes the teachings come alive!
The Bible says you shall worship the LORD thy God & Him only shall you serve.
And you shall have NO OTHER Gods before ME.

Any meditation (thinking, reading, praise,praying) that we do should be directed to GOD ALMIGHTY no one else.
The Bible says to pray to God in the name of Jesus, who is our mediator with the Father.
Buddha type Gods are what the Bible warns against. It is a graven image and we are told not to make any graven images (that would include Mary). Any form like Buddha that is worshipped causes you to break one of the ten commandments.

Meditation using a graven image harms the soul and distances you from the true God and it makes it difficult for a person to find the true way, through Jesus Christ to God the Father.