What is your opinion of PDA (Public Display of Affection)?


May 12, 2008
What is your opinion of PDA (Public Display of Affection)? My girlfriend hates when I wrap my arm around her waist in public. She thinks it's PDA. What do you think? She also hates when I kiss her cheek. Am I wrong, or is she?
My girlfriend tells me she doesn't like it when I do that stuff, because she thinks single people will feel sad when they see us all "lovey dovey", and she doesn't want girls to think she is trashy. I don't think what I am doing is PDA. I never kiss her on the lips, and I will never be "touchy grabby" in public. I think that's dis-respectful. I think my girlfriend is beautiful, and I like touching her and holding her, because no other guy has the right or privilege to do that! It makes me proud to know she is mine, and I like expressing it! Anymore thoughts?
i can kinda relate with your girlfriend, i feel so uncomfortable when my boyfriend hold my hand or kisses me in public, i know its like overboard, you both are not wrong or right. She cant control it, she just feels weird, try and understand it and try to make her feel comfortable ..hope this helps
I think she is wrong. she should want to show you off. not hide you. SHe needs to learn how to show her feelig for you.
There's nothing wrong with PDAs, per se. However, one does have to wonder why people do it. I've often found that people who do this in public are very needy of attention - even negative attention, such as glowers and sneers - because of shortcomings in their self-esteem.

When I've been with girls who suddenly needed to kiss or hug me when attractive women or certain kinds of men were in sight, I've had to wonder if the affection was genuine or if it was being used as some kind of emotional weapon against passersby who would give us the attention. If I thought the girls were needy for attention, my opinion of them and their emotional well-being was lowered.

Walking on the beach or through the park with hands held or arms around waist; walking down the sidewalk with arms interlocked: these kinds of static embrace are different and are probably not based on any emotional imbalance.