What is your main transportation car, bus, bike, subway,or train ?

I own a Pick up truck and a motorcycle and the fun and way cheaper transportation is of coarse the motorcycle but much more dangerous to ride. I have come close to laying the bike down once but always keep a level head and avoid every danger possible. I don't drive like some speed demon like some do.
I own a Pick up truck and a motorcycle and the fun and way cheaper transportation is of coarse the motorcycle but much more dangerous to ride. I have come close to laying the bike down once but always keep a level head and avoid every danger possible. I don't drive like some speed demon like some do.
* My Feet and Legs is my man transportation. I sold my car and decided to walk where I need to go.

* I think cars better ride over motorcycles.
* My Feet and Legs is my man transportation. I sold my car and decided to walk where I need to go.

* I think cars better ride over motorcycles.
* My Feet and Legs is my man transportation. I sold my car and decided to walk where I need to go.

* I think cars better ride over motorcycles.
Car. But in Hawaii I took the bus alot because its easy there(lots of people do it). I would like to try a moped in the future.