what is your favorite pick up line?

if we were squirrels i'd put my nuts in your hole

hehe in school we had a pick up line competition comeback back and forth thing and mine won hehe :)
1. I think there's something wrong with my phone... It doesn't have your number in it.

2. yeah, kinda average, dude
It used to be will you marry me. Then it was hey baby. Then it was how much medicine do you need. Then it was I'm a Christian. Now it is just anything loving & peaceful. Preferably "i'll take you to dinner & listen to you & hold you again, because that cheater did you wrong." No One has enough sense presently.
"Is it just me or is it hot in here!!" And "Do you like water? Well, half of my body is water so you must like my body!" Yes you are cute! :D