What is wrong with my cat?


Active member
May 14, 2008
I've had my cat for just over a year now and it's become clear to me that he's slightly sexist. During the day he will not go anywhere near me, my sister and my mum apart from when he wants food then he walks off after and whenever I go to fuss him he walks off or attacks me. He perfectly fine around my brother and dad, he goes up to them when he's called and sleeps on their laps and they can fuss him for ages.

At night he seems to be a totally different cat, he will always come into my room and sleep next to me and he becomes really clingy, whenever I move over a bit he will keep shuffling over until I'm near enough falling out of my bed and he always has to be touching me and if he doesn't, he will lift the quilt up til he's touching me again.

Why does he do this and is there any way I can make him like me in the day the way he's like at night