what is wrong with christian people?

i find christian people very ignorant and judgemental. they try to convert you to their religion because they think that's the "only" way for eternal life in heaven with jesus and all. they think they're religion is the right religion just cause the bible says so. but think about it, anyone could have written the bible and it was definately written by man. not god.
how can they say that the bible is the "holy" book if they have to keep on interpreting it? it doesn't make any sense. stupid ignorant christians.

sorry if this offends anyone, but christians just really piss me off these days....
encourage love through bigotry and hatred for certain groups of people? nice.

and i can only answer your question with a question, why do you believe what you believe?
i agree with you

it dosent matter if Relgious people are trying to "help" people who arent religious its the fact that they are always preaching about how god will save you and god will heal you and all that other BS

some people just dont want to hear it! thought about that?

if you wanna PREACH do it in church.
@"Why do they try to convert people who don't want to be in that religion?"

Maybe that person LOOKS LIKE THEY NEED IT.
It's those that are SICK [MINDED], who Jesus want.
Lady you want a list?

Try "Religious people"

It is less offensive, and when you think of it, it's all really the same anyways.
All a Christian does is share the gospel they were commanded to. If it's not welcome, off you go...

We believe Jesus is the truth, that through Him we are reconciled back to God. That is His claim, His death and resurrection were the proof of His claim.

We aren't deciding for you, just letting you know.
well no one coverts someone who doesnt want to be converted and no one will understand till they accept Christ how real He is. its like having a cure for cancer. you want to tell the whole world but not everyone will believe you. those that do are healed and those that dont perish. thats why the message is so important.

the biggest reason non believers that are close minded to it will never get their proof that Christ is the only way is because they are not willing to believe. Christ basically said if you believe ill then give you the confirmation. society has taken this away form the people.

it was only a little over 100 years ago that Christianity was wide spread in the U.S. all the first colleges like Harvard were bible colleges. they called it holy Harvard. the founding fathers in the federalist papers were very open about Christianity and the importance of it for a nation to survive. we have thousands of years backing it up and it wasnt till recently that its been removed from schools and now trying to remove the evidence from government. sure people like the catholic church killed in the name of the God of the bible. even the first settlers, but that is not what it promotes, but actually the exact opposite. its the most peaceful and accepting religion in the world that gives the most hope of an after life. unfortunately evil doers twist and make it an evil controlling and persecuting religion.

i used to be a non believer for years, and no one could tell me different. i had some terrible moments in my life and personally sought God and He revealed Himself to me in the same way He has to billions of others over the years. i knew i needed Him and put aside my disbelief. only then could i fully embrace His existence and personal relationship. its not easy no one said it is. its harder being a christian that being an atheist i assure you. but its the most rewarding.
Why does ANY religion try to convert? Because they can. Not because they're christian. Why do ALL RELIGIONS believe they're the right religion? Because it's a matter of faith.
Why do you feel the need to tell people what you believe?
Why do you believe your beliefs are right?
Well now,..... if you didn't come on Religion and Spirituality in YA you wouldn't have to worry about those things, now would you?