What is the relationship between a preacher and a deacon?


May 20, 2008
I mean like, does a preacher talk with the deacons to make decisions or to discuss church beliefs and stuff like that.
I'm talking about preachers and deacons in the Southern Baptist Church.
In the First Baptist (Southern) Church, a deacon is one of the "board of directors" of the church to take care of business for the church, as hiring the preacher, repairing the building, paying bills, etc. They usually have 4 to 6 deacons and meet regularly to discuss whatever business comes up before the board. Happy trails.
A Deacon is an elder of a Protestant congregation. The relationships between Preachers and Deacons differ depending on the denomination or even that specific church. In many cases these Deacons are the ones in power and the Preacher is employed by them to preach to the congregation.
A Deacon is an elder of a Protestant congregation. The relationships between Preachers and Deacons differ depending on the denomination or even that specific church. In many cases these Deacons are the ones in power and the Preacher is employed by them to preach to the congregation.