What is the load limit for a Ford Transit T260?


New member
Nov 28, 2012
How much weight can be loaded into a Ford Transit van?

The van is a T260, the gross weight this van is able to carry is 2600KG (2.6 tons); The unladen weight is 1789KG. I think that leaves approximately 800KG.

If you then include an allowance of 100KG for the driver and 80KG for fuel. That leaves you with 620KG.

How many of the statements below are correct?

1> Approximately 620 KG can be loaded into the back of this particular transit van.
2> The load has to be evenly distributed over the front and back axles.
3> The laod has to be secured.
4> If the load is unsecure, this further reduces, the amount of weight the van can safely carry.

I would appreciate, if you could tell me; if any of my assumptions are incorrect?