What is the difference between µTorrent and BitTorrent?


New member
Feb 9, 2009
I have been using BitTorrent for a while now and I am just wondering if there is a difference µTorrent http://www.utorrent.com/ and BitTorrent http://www.bittorrent.com/ judging from screenshots they look exactly the same. But when ever I go to http://www.torrentz.com they give you a list of µTorrent compatible trackers. I am able to use some of the trackers on BitTorrent but half of them don't do anything. Is this due to just bad trackers or to the Torrent program.(and yes I did enter the trackers correctly)
i got a virus from bittorrent, and now i use utorrent and im virus free, nice difference my friend.
i got a virus from bittorrent, and now i use utorrent and im virus free, nice difference my friend.
i got a virus from bittorrent, and now i use utorrent and im virus free, nice difference my friend.