What is the best way to begin introducing my new boyfriend?


New member
Apr 28, 2009
I recently starting seeing someone new! He is wonderful and we are both eager to begin sharing more and more of our lifes with each other. The problem is that I have a huge, loud, noisy family and alot of friends. Any ideas for introducing him to my family and friends?
If your family is a little overbearing, start off slowly - maybe introduce him to your parents first, or your brothers and sisters - that way he won't be as overwhelmed as he would be meeting everyone at once! It sounds like you are really happy, congrats on your new relationship!
so i'm not saying your going to marry this guy but if you do. he will have to go to family parties and functions. so he will have to get used to your family. just keep on hanging out with this guy and maybe have him come over to your house 2-3 times per week so he can get used to being around you family maybe if you have a family b-que or just to any dinner if you have dinner together as a family. or maybe have a game night if you do this i would tell your family that you bringing a friend over (or at least ask your parents). and i would talk to him and see if he wants to do this but only with his family becasue it might be nice to get to know his family.