What is the best martial art for me?


New member
Aug 30, 2008
I am 22 years old. I work out a lot - 6'0 200 pounds. Interested in a new type of training and want to learn something significant over my summer break. Have always wanted to take up some form of martial art, but do not know which one to focus on. I am interested in an art form that deals primarily with striking but grappling as well. I feel like BJJ focuses a great deal on grappling. I want to learn how to throw a punch properly and what not. Not looking to be a UFC fighter or a tool in a Tapout t-shirt.
I've taken Shoryn-Ryu (pronounced shore-in-roo) I don't know if it's spelled right though. But I've taken it for eleven years. Depending on your teacher (sensei) you'll learn a variety if ground fighting, locks, self defense and others.
All of these include strike. Uhmm...strikes are like the main basics?
Yep. Bye.
What is it you seek? How to punch, to have something to show off on occasion? Bragging rights? What do you want!

If you are serious, any art is worthwhile ... but are you worthy of the art? Any animal can strike and fight. Any monster can maim and kill. Think about that first.
Thai boxing has a fair amount of standing grappling in it and you will learn something that is easily adaptable to a bad situation in the real world. All major combatives programs borrow heavily from Muay Thai. The added bonus is that you train like an athlete and will walk away with some actual skill in a relatively short time.
U should take something striking such as TKD, boxing, muaythai. Along with some type of wrestling or judo or bjj. But imo u should settle for something primarily striking and ask if they also teach grappling. I was gonnna box but got into martial arts.