What is the best beginner sport bike?


New member
Jun 18, 2011
I just turned 18 and wanted a sport bike. I am 6 feet tall and 185 Pounds. My price Range is 5 grand but i'm willing to spend more if someone thinks the best beginner bike for me generally costs more.
First, get some training: http://online2.msf-usa.org/msf/Default.aspx
And then some light reading: http://www.gixxer.com/forums/showthread.php?t=151947

Your first bike needs to be small, user friendly, cheap and easy to maintain, comfortable, and fun. Sport bikes are none of the above.

I'm 6' and about 205 pounds. My wife's little Ninja 250 hauled my butt around with nary a grunt or a whimper. Spend about $2k on a used one, ride it for a year or more, and sell it for about $2k. The best thing about these little dudes is they don't really lose much value.

Then move on to sexier machines. Like the SV the other guy mentioned.
Hands down the GS500F from Suzuki. Been around for years and with a full fairing it feels and acts like a sportbike. They cost around $4000 brand new and get over 50 mpg. It lacks the power of a true sportbike but I did 120+ on mine. I went from it straight to a Hayabusa with no issues. For a little more they have a 650F. You wont loose value either used ones go for 3000 and up.
Suzuki SV650 or GS500
Ninja 500
Yamaha Seca 600

Any of these would make a fine beginner's sportbike. You don't need to spend more than $2500 on a first bike,a nd probably shouldn't, because chances are it will fall over or go down and could possibly ruin some very nice plastics. I know my first bike had a hard time staying upright, haha. Go cheapo and when you are good at riding, 6 or 8 months down the line, sell it and upgrade to something nicer, bigger, or both.

Also, MSF course!