What is some future technology that I could use in a novel?


New member
Sep 2, 2008
Okay. I'm currently writing a novel entitled "Contrarian Man." It is about an iconoclast and it takes place mostly in 2043/2044 in America. It's a bit of a farce. Anyway, I need to come up with some ideas for technology. Unfortunately, I do not have a very scientific mind (which raises the question of why I am writing a sci-fi novel -- I wish that I knew). I am more of a literary person with a wild imagination. So, I need ideas for futuristic technology -- especially that which an oppressive government might use to further suppress the people. I already have mind-reading devices in the book, which is not all that interesting of an idea, I must admit. Suggestions?
To Bill: Those are some extremely totalitarian ideas, sir. I think that I want the citizens of future America to have more freedom than that. They will live under a softer tyranny.
Something that monitors exactly where you are and what you're doing so that the gov. can come get you if you do something they don't like. Cameras everywhere with extremely strong microphones so that they can listen in on anyone any where anytime. All computers send constant reports as to what they are doing to the gov. so that nothing can be written or planned without the knowledge of "Big brother". Even make money tractable if you want so that they know what is being bought or sold, Put tracers in whatever you can. It's your book Say what you want.
Hope I helped