What is Scientology and why do people hate Tom Cruise for being part of it?


New member
Jul 4, 2010
If you can simply explain to me this religion and why such a vast majority of people are against it?
Scientology is a "religion" that the science fiction author L. Ron Hubbard created as a joke, but some people take it as seriously as any other religion.
i don't know much, but i can tell you what i know.
Scientology is a religion , and i don't hate Tom Cruise or Angelina for being part of it .
In my opinion whoever hate someone just because he's part of some religion, must be a huge idiot. in all nations, all races , all religions , are good peoples and bad peoples . you cannot generalize , and not all are the same .
It is like any other religious (including Christianity, Islam, and Judaism) - a poison, which is responsible for MOST of the evil in the world.

Scientology is no different. They hate homosexuals, and believe the writings of the delusional.
Scientology, in many people's opinions (myself included), is an organization that makes false promises about being able to improve the psychological states of its members. It touts scientific credibility for its methods when in fact there is no significant peer-reviewed evidence for them. Frankly, Scientology has deprived ignorant people of vast sums of money for services that are ultimately ineffective, and uses cult-like tactics and harrassment in order to retain its members. It is very difficult for you to leave or be left alone once you are involved with Scientology.

In addition, Scientology has a long, documented history of aggressively harassing anyone who attempts to question or criticize its methods or beliefs by claiming religious discrimination. An excellent example of the typical harassment tactics used can be seen readily during a documentary reporter John Sweeney did on Scientology that was aired on the BBC's Panorama. It should be noted that there is not a single religion in the world today that responds to criticism in this manner.

People (myself included) generally do not approve of Tom Cruise's actions because he is able to influence a very large proportion of the consumer population due to his appeal as a celebrity, yet is very misinformed and ignorant regarding the psychological practices that Scientology professes as they relate to the human mind/condition. This is quite evident if you watch his now notorious interview with Matt Lauer on the today show (all of this stuff is on YouTube by the way). He fails to support his claims with scientific evidence and becomes cocky and aggressively oppositional when his beliefs are questioned.

Because he acts this way, is very important in the hierarchy of Scientologists (it should be noted that they treat the celebrities they recruit for their cause VERY differently than the average member) and has so much influence on the general public, it is safe to say that Tom Cruise is DANGEROUS in regards to what people should objectively believe in terms of the psychological expertise that Scientology professes to be an expert in, in the author's opinion.

Based on what i have read and in my objective opinion after considering the evidence for both sides of the issue, I have come to believe that not only has The Church of Scientology deceived many people in regards to evidence based-methods for psychological therapy, but it has also committed many acts that in my opinion that are incompatible with human rights, . However, I do not have time to go into detail regarding them. Therefore...

An excellent website to visit that will give you an objective presentation of what the Church of Scientology is involved with is the Operation Clambake website <www.xenu.net> which was put together by an ex-Scientologist who was able to leave. Good luck and I hope this was relatively informative.
Scientologists believe that billions of years ago some alien race came to Earth and vaporized themselves in volcanoes. They think that the bad aliens make you crazy when their particles are in you. They believe that they can get rid of the bad stuff in your body if you pay them enough. That is basically what it boils down to. They don't really believe anything. They just claim their religion to avoid taxes. People hate Scientology because it is an elitist group that charges large sums of money to perform bogus healing. It is considered an illegal cult in Germany.