What Is REALLY Wrong With Oprah's Face ?


May 13, 2008
Those Scars on her face (beginning with the Right Side) seem to be from cuts of some type!
I've seen these type of scars before, and they definitely are just like a cut from a knife, glass, razor or something similar.
I don't know who's responsible, but these marks - definitely seem to be scars from some type of wound!
So PLEASE Don't Insult my intelligence by trying to pass them off as age or weight gain !!!
She didn't have them b/4, and the attempted explanations which I've been reading out here - DO NOT - just All Of A Sudden Appear !!!
It seems to me to be something akin, maybe to that which Ann Margaret encountered.
If that's the case, then it's unfortunate - - - but Clearly Not Age, Wrinkles Or Weight Gain !!!