what is pop art ?


Stephen S

who were five important artist to come from or were in invloved in this movment? what was each persons contribution of the movement. give me and acuate answer and i will give 10 pionts
Pop art is short for popular art and it is usually representational (realistic) art and contains things you see in everyday life. Ex: Shops, people, buildings, pets. Five important artists were Andy Warhol, Jasper Johns, Roy Lichtenstein, Claes Oldenburg. AW created many pictures of people, JJ created many artworks of images and objects of popular culture, RL created many artworks of people and objects such as cars, and CO made public art installations typically featuring very large replicas of everyday objects. Hope this helps! Pick me 4 Best answer!
little side note of information:
pop art is a short story by joe hill, its about an inflatable boy, really good story... but what your talking about, I dk
Pop art: meaning "popular culture", is kind of a part of abstract and definitely different from most kinds of basic of. It was mostly done in the sixties under the use of many "psychedelic" of acid drugs to make the artist see the crazy colors to paint. (FYI: POP ART IS THE BEST ART, TO ME)

well, Andy Warhol to start off, he was basically the master of Pop Art because of his use of silk screening and portraits of famous people.

Roy Lichtenstein, was the master of comic-style pop art, using actual tiny dots in his paintings.

Wayne Thibaud, painted cakes and various baked goods, making them look realistic and also, he used actual icing in his paintings.

Keith Haring, painting many naked, faceless people that were animated almost.

also Tom Wesselmann, did many weird still lives of dinner tables.
Roy Lichtenstein- blown up paintings of comic strips- popularized the every day media in our lives by making fine art out of common art. Same with Andy Warhol he made soupcans and everyday snap photos museum art.
Keith Herring- Grew up doing grafiti in the subways of NY became famous for his funky dancing creatures. made movement (dance pose) fine art. You have to see it to understand.
Peter Max- cosmic art of the 60's cloud jumpers, rainbows and stars. Took art to the masses. Posters in every teenager's room. The earth from afar. He changed how we looked at our world.
These are all Pop artists : look up the genre and then find some that apeal to you to write about. There are many more and they all brought art out of the stuffy art snob thinking and rocked their world. They answered the question of who and what art is in the modern world.
Roy Lichtenstein- blown up paintings of comic strips- popularized the every day media in our lives by making fine art out of common art. Same with Andy Warhol he made soupcans and everyday snap photos museum art.
Keith Herring- Grew up doing grafiti in the subways of NY became famous for his funky dancing creatures. made movement (dance pose) fine art. You have to see it to understand.
Peter Max- cosmic art of the 60's cloud jumpers, rainbows and stars. Took art to the masses. Posters in every teenager's room. The earth from afar. He changed how we looked at our world.
These are all Pop artists : look up the genre and then find some that apeal to you to write about. There are many more and they all brought art out of the stuffy art snob thinking and rocked their world. They answered the question of who and what art is in the modern world.
You could do this easily with access to a database called Grove Art Online. Go to your local library Web site (public or college) and look at the databases offered there.
