What is better? iPhone or Samsung Galaxy Smartphone?


New member
Aug 28, 2008
I was debating between iPhone and Samsung Galaxy phone. I want a touch screen phone that has both front AND back cameras, and lets me stream videos. I also want to be able to screen shot on my phone. Can anyone help me? I don't know what to pick.
Samsung galaxy maybe the Galaxy S or the Galaxy III mini version of the S .....i read up on them all and Samsung Galaxy note 2 was my final selection simply because of what it can do .....It shows your videos in HD ant the front camera is 1 .9 mega pixel camera were the back camera is 8 mega pixel .... Also it takes 8 photos of the ssme picture and selects the best one from the 8 taken or you can choose ......
Iphone has the best security by far of any smartphone (because all code gets reviewed first before it can get into the appstore). To me thats the most important thing with a phone, no need to run antivirus or worry about what you are installing on it. I like the fact the design is also thinner to fit in pocket and even use with one hand.
if you want simplicity go for iphone if you want costomization and little quirks go for galaxy. each are touchscreen, each have front and back cams, both will stream vids, and both will screen shot. the difference is ios vs android, 4 inch vs 4.8 inch(galaxy s3) 5.5 inch ( galaxy note 2).
If I were to say why the Galaxy is better this would literally take you 15-30 minutes to read. Get the Galaxy. Its much better.
Galaxy definitely, because it's android, had a WAY bigger screen (both SII and SIII), and has a lot of free apps (that are paid apps on itunes store) :)