What is all the hullabaloo over gay marriage, aren't we all equal in America?


New member
Apr 7, 2009
The Conservatives says this is a religious matter, well then in that case I guess they do not mind a Gay church sanctioning marriage as it has every right as any other Church. A marriage is a union between two people who love each other. So why all the fuss?
as soon as a man can legally marry a goat or a young child, I see no reason to threaten traditional relationships!!!
You are confusing Conservatives with the religious right (or somebody)

As conservatives, we feel that marriage should be a religious issue. States (not the federal government) should decide the case on civil unions (after all the government stole the term marriage for civil unions) I think all couples, straight or gay should apply for a legal civil Union. If they choose to marry in a church, that is between the couple, there church, and there god. The federal government needs to remove themselves from the equation.
"A marriage is a union between two people who love each other"
LOL you read too many romance novels.

You think King Henry loved his wives?
Conservatives do not like anything that breaks down the standard institution of the family. Beginning with Marriage is a union between a man and a woman. The hullabaloo is changing the definition to fit gay unions. The majority of people still believe in the family model as the stability of the community and it is obvious in the way they vote.
Why just "two people"?

Why can't I marry my goat?

I love him and he loves me...

Are you saying there should STILL be some restrictions on marriage?
You are mistaken! Almost all Conservatives believe it should be a state (local) issue and be put to a vote locally. This is NOT a federal issue. We believe the feds have too much power and have over stepped their bounds.
I have no idea. I certainly don't have a problem with it. We are all supposed to be equal in America, but we're not.

Some people would prefer to rant against gay marriage so that they will not have to think about the real problems we face. It's easier to bash the gays than to work on solutions to real problems!
Why are people in this country so preoccupied with what homosexuals do? With all of the other problems that we have gay activity seems inconsequential.
Because if you can change one component of marriage you can change any of them. Like species, close family relation, the dearly departed, and the yet to graduate the 6th grade.
Because if you can change one component of marriage you can change any of them. Like species, close family relation, the dearly departed, and the yet to graduate the 6th grade.
Yes, we are supposed to be. Most people have to fight for that so called 'equality'. Women, African Americans and now Gays and Lesbians. Conservatives like to squash other peoples happiness, never mind their Constitutional rights.
Yes, we are supposed to be. Most people have to fight for that so called 'equality'. Women, African Americans and now Gays and Lesbians. Conservatives like to squash other peoples happiness, never mind their Constitutional rights.
Unfortunately we are not equal.

The problem is we have man interpeting God's law. And God is an enigma, his bible states hes has no begging or no end. He is the alpha and the omega (the first greek letter and the last letter in their alphabet). There is no way for man to comprehend or explain this.

The church has tried many times to speak for god or extrapolate what he wants from his words in the bible.

Man should not speak for god, unless it is word for word stated in the bible.

But man and religion wants the bible to cover everything, and they try to fill in the holes.
You are incorrect, a marriage by definition is a formal union between a man and woman. Civil unions would allow gay couples to share the same rights as married couple, most conservatives will bend to this. Gay marriage will hopefully never be legal in this country. People need to stop seeing the issue as "just to people in love." Its unnatural and immoral and embracing it as a nation is disgusting
Anyone can push any agenda they wish. Why is it wrong to be against changing the definition of marriage?

We vote in this country for a reason, welcome to a democracy.

Pronunciation: \'mer-ij, 'ma-rij\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English mariage, from Anglo-French, from marier to marry
Date: 14th century

1 a (1): the state of being united to a person of the opposite sex as husband or wife in a consensual and contractual relationship recognized by law.*********

There is the dictionary definition. So, what is your problem?
Civil Unions are already legal this is just something to mess with religious people.
We are all equal, and just like two 2 year olds of the opposite sex can't marry, two people of the same sex (yes, consenting adults) can't either. Marriage is equally accessible to ALL within specific criteria.
I have not heard that argument before..I like it! If they are now saying it is a religious thing and not for the States to decide then I guess that Gays can just go to a gay affiliated Church, There are plenty of Churches that do not preach Intolerance and most are pedophile free! I can see you are going to make a lot of crazies on yahoo upset! Good job!