What in Christianity is continuous with its parent tradition, Judaism and what

How about the fact that Christians still use the Old Testament, if we exclude how they also carefully select which verses to accept and which to ignore?

And they stop doing Passover mostly, started a New Testament, moved the Sabbath to Sunday... Many, many things.
In a nutshell, Matt 12.7 tells the major difference. The 23rd Psalm gives the similarity.

Professor of Religious Studies..you focus on trivia
Monotheistic god (same as Judaism) but doctrine of original sin is not from Judaism.
Christianity is the completion of the whole story from beginning to end when Jesus returns.
Discontinuous?....Jesus fulfilled the need for a lamb...He was the lamb provided for us. Otherwise,
God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. The Law was set up to show God's people what
sin was...but they still needed the Messiah promised. Jesus fulfilled that, and one day they will
realize that. It is foretold.