What has less germs, Dish rag or sponge?


New member
Jun 3, 2008
I wonder for sanitary reasons. Is my sister just pushing germs around by using the same old sponge to wash dishes? I have been using a dish rag, that I hang to dry between loads of dishes. It never smells like mold/ mildew. On the other hand my sisters sponge smells like mold or mildew. Even after a few days. She says it is ok that she changes it every month. Neither one of us has a dishwasher, as I understand that is the most sanitary way. Does any body have information on the cleanliness of a sponge?
A dish cloth is cleaner, in my opinion. They rinse out much easier than a sponge and you can throw them in the washer after a few uses.
I'd say the sponge is probably dirtier because of all the little hols in it where food and bacteria can hide. but if she changes it every so often thats good but clothes (as long as u clean them after a few loads of dishes) are probably cleaner.
Rag. Sponge can soak germy water in the center for weeks and when you squeeze it onto a plate the water comes out.

The rag is best because you can wash it out while you wash dishes and it works well.
I would say the sponge because even if it does soak up germs, it soaks up soapy water, too, so the germs can be easily killed. Also when you squeeze all the water out of the sponge germs can stay inside but they will all be dead because of the soap that was in there. The dish rag just picks up germs when you move it along the surface, and you get rid of the scooped up germs on the dish rag by washing it. I would pick the sponge, but it is your choice. And you should wash both frequently.
I would say the sponge because even if it does soak up germs, it soaks up soapy water, too, so the germs can be easily killed. Also when you squeeze all the water out of the sponge germs can stay inside but they will all be dead because of the soap that was in there. The dish rag just picks up germs when you move it along the surface, and you get rid of the scooped up germs on the dish rag by washing it. I would pick the sponge, but it is your choice. And you should wash both frequently.