What has Israel done for us (the US) that we are getting our soldiers killed, & the


May 11, 2008
What has Israel done for us (the US) that we are getting our soldiers killed, & the

whole world is against us? Let me make it clear. The WHOLE WORLD IS AGAINST ISRAEL, AND WITH US BEING THEIR STAUNCH SUPPORTERS, THE WHOLE WORLD HATES US. We are Israel's only ally. So why does the rest of the world, and especially Europe side with Iran over Israel? Isnt it because it is being run by Zionists, who put a bad name for jews all over the world? Why do we have a Zionist lobby in the US? Why can people ridicule others on religion (abuse to Christianity and Islam), racial issues but not utter one thing against Zionism? Is this the freedom of speech we have in this country?

Russia has threatened to attack us if we even try to invade Iran. Pakistan already has sophisticated nuclear weapons, and has helped Iran with the technology for making their own. North Korea will also be against us with their artillery. So why the hell do we even think we can attack Iran?

Stop fighting Israels wars. They can take care of themselves. Bring our troops back and save this country. Our country is in dire straits in all aspects, we are not the same country that we were before. Our military is overstretched, and we have over a trillion $ debt from China. And China do not approve of our proposed sanctions for Iran, and may bring us down to our knees economically if we try to invade Iran.

The entire EU does not approve of our proposed action for Iran. Hugo Chavez, Putin and Ahmadinejad are best friends. PROOF ENOUGH?