What ever happened..


New member
Feb 18, 2008
to that dude who use to break into old abandoned insane asylums and take really cool pics and tell stories of being chased out by cops and shit? Those threads were pretty sick.
he came into my asylum were i live and i slit his throat and drank his blood for tresspassing.
im pretty sure thats my good friend and the place we used to play when he would go into abandoned buildings got shut down so he couldnt do that anymore but that might be someone else
What ever happened to predictibility?
The milkman, the paperboy, evening TV.

Everywhere you look , everywhere you go (there's a heart).
There's a heart
A hand to hold onto.

Everywhere you look , everywhere you go.
There's a face
Of somebody who needs you.

Eveywhere you look,
When you're lost out there and you're all alone,
A light is waiting to carry you home,
Everywhere you look.
Everywhere you look.