What Dog Is Best For Me?


New member
Aug 28, 2008
Hey, I'm turning 18 in a few months and my parents have decided to finally allow me to purchase a puppy in the summer with my birthday money. I have taken every breed quiz I can find and not one can give me an answer. I was wondering perhaps if I explained it that someone may have a few suggestions

I will be living in my basement, which is a decent size to roam but it isn't a lot for a dog to live with. The dog will have access to the outdoors by having someone accompany it up the stairs. Because I will be attending college full time and working part time with my social life pushing in, I fear I may not be able to spend a lot of time with the dog. I will be able to come home during lunch on weekdays and will always be there for a minimum of a few hours in the evening and will rarely be spending the night away. The animal will not be left alone, my sister is willing to feed it and take it out when I am unable to regularly tend to it. Because of my living space I would prefer a quiet dog, but I know almost all dogs can be loud if they are allowed to be.

So Basically I would Love a Dog That: Is small, somewhat quiet, shedding/grooming not an issue, can easily be trained (specifically house trained!), can do well on their own for a few hours, will be friendly to visitors....

I initially had my heart set on a Shih Tzu (always wanted one since I was little) but I found out they are very hard to house train so that has thrown me off a little bit but I have been thinking about a Pug or Cocker Spaniel.
It doesn't really sound like you are in a position to be taking on a dog but if you must...

From what you described I would recommend a Norwich Terrier.

Note: There will be some grooming involved but it's a small price to pay for the awesome personality you'll get considering the tight confines it will be living in.