What dog breeds tend to be in tour face in an affectionate way and never gets


New member
Jun 21, 2010
bored of you and always excited? My dog is a German Shepard Foxhound mix and she puts her head down to the left or right and does not look at me or lick me at these moments but does wag her tail jumps a lot and licks me when I just came back from college or work or just woke up and she plays tug of war and jumps for toys. I don't like it when she looks down at the floor or looks away from me or walks away from me. I want a dog that loves to lick me and jump on me and always look like they have a smile on their face. Which breeds would you recommend?
sorry meant your not tour
When your dog doesn't look at you even though she's excited, she is showing that she respects you. Eye contact with dogs can be translated as a sign of aggression or invitation to a challenge, and by avoiding eye contact, she is saying "okay, you're in charge. I get it."

but if you want a loving, crazy excited dog, get a Yorkie. I have two, and every morning I come downstairs I am greeted like I just came home from war haha. It never gets old. Labs are very personable pets as well. But you have to remember that each dog has its own personality that could always vary f rom what youd expect in the breed.
I have an APBT, Bassett Hound and 2 Miniature Pinschers. The bassett hound is the only one of the dogs that doesn't like to snuggle and lick a lot. My APBT and my older min pin fight over who gets to be plastered to my side when I sit down on the couch. So, from my personal experience APBT's and min pins are both very affectionate licky kind of dogs. :)