What does your username mean?

Call your friends. Blaze some marijuana. Have really great times. I recommend any outdoor activity followed along with video games and munch.
Just realized it's Simmons, I always read it as Simpsons.

Idk, My cuz put this name.

My actual one is HanstheMans because I used to play this game called Timesplitters on gamecube lol... and he was like a character that just wore handcuff on his tits and dress shoes with long black socks and undies, with a huge deformed head....I would get a pick, but it's not popular and I like on google before.
No idea. Seriously. I don't know anyone named Jackson and my favorite color is green, not blue.
snoller is my name.. but sellonr is my name spelled funny when the mods permed my rellons account for a thread about oreos
Speaking of the terminator, he was supposed to visit my school but 1 hour 45 himutes before he bailed because protestors were there.


:tup: :tup: