What does your gut tell you about our near future as a species?


New member
Nov 11, 2011
What can your gut instinct share with us about our near future (1-5 years) as the human species? Is there much change? Is the change fast or slow? Is what your gut telling us more likely to be a positive or negative future? (Seeking anomalies in human instinct)
I think we're headed for a global crisis that could fairly be called apocalyptic, which may be avoided, or which may result in a long period of global suffering and general poverty, or which could end the species altogether. I figure the second outcome is probably the most likely. Not like I'd really know.
It will be interesting. The social-economical and technological aspects of our society are changing at a rapid rate.
Well people. Have to stop depending on oil. And taking oil out. Of the earth with out oil. In the earth. Earth can't spin. If we don't spin earth. Will spin out of control to the sun. We will blow up all because. People. Are. To money hungry and are heartless