What does this prophecy mean?


New member
Jan 27, 2011
"He will do many AMAZING things and people will say "This could not merely have been done by a human". This boy/man also has a special relationship with God different from others..."

So my Dad went to this Christian Prophecy meeting and this is what they said during the prayers. Anyways Im not acclaiming nobody am just wondering. These people have a really close relationship with God and they are known for their Christian prophecies (more like visions and feelings and smells).
So, anyone wondering what this means? Or will happen? What does the prophecy mean by Amazing things that could not have been merely done by a human?

Thank You,

P.S Please don't answer if you don't know or am gonna be a religion biased person. Thx
How can one answer a question containing something about a religion in a nonreligious manner?
they were talking about me.I may not be the son of god, but I have a special connection to god and am "not human" per say. I have been gifted with the gift of immortality until my mission is done.